Friday, September 30, 2011

איפה אנחנו חיים? חוויה היא ידע

שלום חברים

היום אני רוצה להזמין אותכם לעשות הבחנה בין מה שאתם חושבים שאתם יודעים לבין מה שאתם באמת יודעים..

יש בכל אחד מאיתנו שתי ישויות- אחד שקיים על אוטומט ואחד שמתבונן וחווה

האוטומט חיי בתוך מה שאני קוראת ה"מכונה, שזה המוח שלנו שעובד נון-סטופ גם אם אני ערה לו וגם אם לא..הוא קושר ידיעה לידיעה מתוך מאגר ידע שיש לו, מבוסס על עבר-ובכך הוא בטוח שהוא יודע גם את העתיד

ה"ישות" גם חושב שהוא יכול לדעת משהו שמבוסס על משהו שהוא יודע- בעצם זה מרחב המחיה האוטומטית שאנחנו חווים שניה שניה-

אז מה קורה כשאנו רוצים ליצור משהו חדש?

כאן אנחנו צריכים לצאת מהאוטומט בכדי ליצור מרחב הווייתי חדש ואת זה אפשר לעשות רק כשאנו מתחברים ל"ישות" השניה שלנו שחי "כאן ועכשיו" ומוכן להתבונן בחבר שלו המוח מבלי לתת לו כוח

רק מהמרחב של "כאן ועכשיו" יש לנו אפשרות לגלות ולחוות את החדש.

ההבדל הוא מאד פשוט - ה"ישות" של "כאן ועכשיו" יכול להתקיים רק מתוך החוויה- ורק החוויה עצמה היא ידע- בלי החוויה הכל נמצא בגדר אינפורמציה...

המוח שלנו לא באמת יודע להבדיל בין מה שבאמת קרה לבין מה שלא, ויכול לחוות מתוך מה שהוא מאמין שנכון ולכן אנחנו מוצאים את עצמינו הרבה פעמים תקועים ולא מצליחים באמת לעשות שינוי שאנו מייחלים לו

הנה 3  צעדים שמאפשרים לנו להיות כאן ועכשיו

מזהים את התקיעות? דבר ראשון תנשמו עמוק ותתבוננו בעצמכם נושמים- אפשר לנשום רק
"כאן ועכשיו"
מכאן תוכלו להתבונן בשיחה שמתנהלת לכם המוח במבלי להיות מעורבים בה

תסתכלו סביבכם ותראו מה נמצא בסביבה שלכם- תנו תשומת לב למה שאתם רואים- אם יש מישהו שמדבר איתכם -תקשיבו למה שנאמר בלי שיפוט- פשוט הקשבה

"כאן ועכשיו" תוכלו לפעול מתוך מקום הוויתי חדש- ובתוך הפעולה יש כוונה חדשה שמייצרת משהו חדש

כל דבר שאתם רוצים עבורכם מצריך מכם להיות הדבר שאתם רוצים "כאן ועכשיו"-

רוצים אהבה- תהיו אהבה
רוצים הקשבה- תקשיבו
רוצים שמחה- תהיו שמחים
רק "כאן ועכשיו"תוכלו להיות כל מה שאתם רוצים

הוויה נעימה


Saturday, July 2, 2011

It is our duty to live our truth

It is our duty to live our truth and it’s the prerogative of those around us to chose from our truth- otherwise all are living the lie

Hi friends of the Universe

Today we would like to implore you to each be courageous and allow your SELVES to live in peace within your own truth.

This is a very particular era where you have all come to make amends in order to purify your SELVES for the next level of awareness.

All of you have travelled through life times and the journey has taken you all to this place in time where you are to discover through your capacity pf understanding the laws  that pertain to this space in time...These are discovered mainly through your FEELINGS which are your indicators that bring you to YOUR truth. This is in fact an uncovering of all the layers that have blocked you from SEEING the True LIGHT..

Everyone who is still afraid and hiding is invited Now, to allow him/herself to come out and be seen for his truth - This will be a cleansing that will help others to join in and bring humanity to a new platform of global healing. This is an energy that is fundamental to the next stage of enlightenment....When FEAR is dominant, ENLIGHTENMENT can not be revealed...The requirement is to relinquish all fear, internal arguments, and secrets which have caused separation.

There has been much preparation in the last few decades to assist the Human BEING to delve inside and progress to self healing.

Many of you have attended therapeutic sessions and seminars as you have experienced emotion that has put you in that direction of self discovery. We now say that it's time for those who have not yet embarked on the internal journey - to do this NOW in preparation on of the next SHIFT in awareness where you will experience a COMING HOME.

We take into consideration that this channeling may seem strange to some and very acceptable to others but never the less this is an accurate time span for this message...

The ultimate goal of human race at this stage is to relinquish SEPARATISM and become ONE in the awareness of  your ESSENCE...Becoming ONE does not necessarily mean that you have to be among thousands of people physically but to FEEL the ONENESS from within- This is NOT a mental discovery but a SPIRITUAL one on  the FEELING level.. The language of NOW is that of FEELING ONENESS..

We shall explain further- When you are awake to the fact that there is no difference between ENERGY and MATTER and that ALL are the same just as water whether in drops or quantities so is the ENERGY REALM which includes in it ALL THAT IS. There is ONE single pattern that is holographic throughout the universe and this must be understood.

So to make this simple - when you each understand that the relationships you have are a reflection of YOU at all times - you will know to acknowledge the person in front of you as part of you as you are all joined together in the journey of enlightenment - Jews, Catholics, Muslims. Black , White , Yellow , Pink- ALL ONE..

The new awareness will bring forth the Love and acceptance of each and every living soul which will allow YOU ALL to be ONE with Nature that already IS.. You Will know to respect each other's traditions and enjoy LIFE/NATURE/ALL THAT IS- as you have never before....

We hope that you will each strive for your own personal enlightenment so that you will be able to enjoy the AWAKENING

All our love SOL64

Monday, June 6, 2011

Here and Now: כן לרתום את הכרכרה לפני הסוס

Here and Now: כן לרתום את הכרכרה לפני הסוס: " חברים יקרים היום אני רוצה לספר לכם למה כן לרתום את הכרכרה לפני הסוס עד עכשיו שמענו את המשפט הזה הפוך- אמרו לנו לא לרתום את ה..."


This has to be one of the most important channelings yet so far....

QUESTION: I need to understand the perplexity - on the one hand we are told that we are in fact puppets and that it is God/Universe/All that is who is creating through us and that "free choice' is only an illusion. 

If this is true then how can I heal myself 
(in the new testament  Jesus  says "heal thy self"- and in the old testament - God says to Moses  "אתה תהיה לו לאלוהים"You will be His God referring to Aaron)
and so how can I create abundance, health and money in my life?

ANSWER from SOL64: This is in fact 3 fold:

1) You are here to repair the damage of all re-incarnations- this is the result of separatism. The need to repair derives from the longing to re-attach to the GOD energy. This GOD ENERGY IS TOTAL AND AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. You are here to become GOD him/herself. So Adam, the word coming from the Hebrew word לדמות which included all the souls was just like GOD.WHEN IT WAS DECIDED AS IT WERE to split up, this Is because there was no other way to understand creation if there is no experience.
This is a system, why? Because!!It just is!! NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE work together in order to create an experience which brings forth with it knowledge. God developed or rather created this system since nothing else worked or gave him/her the knowledge he/she required. So having said that we say accept the system and be done with it  so that you can be occupied with the learning.

The system works like this: You have in you the negative traits which blanket the positive ones. When you depart or remove - we prefer the word "relinquish" these negatives - you step into the positive ones that are there all the the time.

It is in the positive that you can create all good which leads us into the second fold:
Being in positive you tap into what we call the human DNA  on the energy level- There are in fact 64 strands.

The human race will soon discover 24 then 48 and will finalise with 64.

These strands are the creative force that create body cells, moves hem around, re-shuffles them, in fact transforms energy In to matter.
Through this system you can heal yourself by simply attuning into that space.
But you must BE in positive otherwise it can go wrong. We say do not tamper  with this until you fully feel hat you are in total POSITIVE.

This leads us to the the 3rd fold which is the outside illusional circumstances.

It is is that POSITIVE STATE OF BEING where there is LOVE HAPPINESS and includes THE BETTER GOOD OF ALL. In this place you are able to call on the DNA ZONE  in the 64 realm (that is US) AND CREATE ABUNDANCE, IN FACT ANYTHING YOU WANT PROVIDED you include the above mentioned wavelengths; love happiness FOR THE BETTER GOOD OF ALL

Here you become VESSELS of GOD/Universe/All that is, who creates through YOU while YOU manifest HIM/HER

This is a 2 way partnership and can not work any other way. So going back  to "free choice" when you are In positive, in GOD/ALL THAT IS/ENERGY/UNIVERSE/CREATIVE POWER this in fact becomes GOD'S CHOICE an your "free choice" is only relevant when deciding to move from NEGATIVE to POSITIVE

All our love


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

כן לרתום את הכרכרה לפני הסוס

חברים יקרים
היום אני רוצה לספר לכם למה כן לרתום את הכרכרה לפני הסוס
עד עכשיו שמענו את המשפט הזה הפוך- אמרו לנו  לא לרתום את הכרכרה לפני הסוס
בעידן הזה ומאד מיוחד, כולנו כבר שמענו את המשפט שאומר שאנחנו יוצרים את חיינו על פי הוויה הפנימית שלנו
(state of being)

אנחנו מבינים שהכרכרה כבר נמצאת בתוכינו - למעשה כל העולם כולו.
הרי החומר הוא פועל יוצא של מחשבה שקודמת ליצירה

אם נפנים שכל קשת הרגשות וכל מחשבה יוצרת, נמצאים אצלינו, אנחנו נוכל ליצור ממקום פנימי- ולא נצטרך לחכות לטריגר או משהו חיצוני בכדי להרגיש את מה שאנחנו חפצים בו-

החוק אומר שאם ארגיש בכוונה תחילה ומתוך בחירה את הרגש שאני רוצה כמו "שמחה" אז אוכל למשוך אלי חומר ו/או סביבה שתבוא מתוך ההרגשה -
הרי כל רגש שאני חווה נמצא בתוכי-למה לי לחכות להרגיש אותו רק בעקבות תנאים או טריגר חיצונים כשאני יכולה לבחור להרגיש אותו עכשיו?

בצורה הזאת החיים הופכים לביטוי חיצוני של עולמינו הפנימית ובלי "דם יזע ודמעות"- אלה מתוך שלווה ובטחון של קשב לאמצע שלנו

תיקחו למשל את ה"עץ" -ל"עץ" אין ויכוח עם עצמו- הוא יודע שהוא "עץ"-ובכדי לגדול, התנאים מגיעים אליו- כגון מים - אדמה - ושמש- וכל התנאים הללו מרכיבים את העץ!

אתם תגידו "מה החכמה, לנו יש מוח ואינטליגנציה ובחירה חופשית - ואני אומר נכון וטוב שכך, אבל בכל זאת דבר אחד חשוב נוכל ללמוד מהאנלוגיה של ה"עץ" וזה שכאשר נפסיק את הוויכוח הפנימי ונשדר את "המי אני" הסביבה התומכת תגיע בכדי לעזור לנו בדרכינו...

למה? ככה- כי זה החוק של היקום- זה פשוט כך- האמת הפנימית  היא כוח המשיכה הכי משמעותית שיש..

כל אחד מאיתנו הוא עולם בפני עצמו ואם תרצוֿתחנת שידור עצמאית שגם משדרת וגם קולטת
כשאנחנו שלמים אנו משדרים ועולים על התדר המדויק שמפגיש אותנו עם הסביבה שתעזור לנו לצמוח וליצור בדיוק כמו ה"עץ"

לכן אני ממליצה להחליט מי אנחנו רוצים להיות ולעלות על דרך- ומיד לעצור כל ויכוח פנימי- ומאותו רגע להיות בעשייה של הדבר שאנו רוצים מבלי להיות בשליטה לגבי מאיפה תבוא התשובה אלה לאפשר ליקום לעבוד בשבילינו.

יצירה נעימה


Ronny Hatchwell

Evolution,Personal & Spiritual Development

Tel-972 (0) 54-4849170

Friday, May 27, 2011

we are all prostitutes

Hi Everyone,

I realize that the above title maybe quite provoking and I will explain..

Most of us do not know how to give without expecting something in return even if it's just recognition..

'If I give you this - then  you 'll give me that"

Wouldn't it be great if we lived in a world where we would simply flow and be giving with no expectations?

The problem lies with the fact that we are distant from our core, that place where we FEEL whole,are attuned to ALL THAT IS and do not feel separate.

The moment we are not connected to that inner place we turn the other into our "Savior" which automatically turns us into the victim of that very situation- 
"I'll do this if you'll do that"

The Paradox is that when we do not expect a return we actually receive something more valuable ten fold over..

Our fear of "survival" and the way we understand the world we think we know, is an old language which causes us to live in chaos.

All we have to do in order to stop the chaos is to accept the NEW LANGUAGE  which states that I create my world by committing myself to a partnership with the ENERGY AND INTELLIGENCE that is behind the apparition of matter.. and not to be afraid to be 
HERE and NOWwith this ENERGY

Today Science is meeting "mysticism" and is very fast proving through experiments in quantum physics that we are in fact "condensed energy" or the Mystics would say "Condensed Spirit". They have proven that when they go deep to the end of a molecule there is in fact NOTHING- which means that the molecule is made from NOTHING- or in other words NOTHING THAT WE CAN SEE

In fact every live cell will have a nucleus and proton, where the proton will turn around it's own axis around the nucleus just as the earth does around the sun.. 
There seems to be one holographic pattern in the Universe.. 

But the exciting discovery made over 30 years ago is that there is an unseen energy known as a "quark" which makes the proton move..

This in fact means that the world we experience is created from NOTHING...
So how do we do this?

We let go of our mind and thoughts and particularly our EXPECTATIONS - We release everyone from their promises and commitments to us and so immediately we feel peace and relief which automatically releases our surroundings and thus attunes us to the Real and ultimate Energy which we each have inside of us..

We all feel energies in one way or another.. How many times have you FELT someone behind you and turned around on that FEELING- or thought of something that suddenly appeared out of nowhere?

We can therefore  fathom the next statement;

The release of our expectations from the other allows us to live in LOVE and PEACE, in the flow of HERE AND NOW in the New World that we so long for and so create the world from INSIDE US-

There will be those who will say that this new language is Naive and "KITCHY"- but I say what have we got to lose..The old language does not work any more... and so I invite us to experience for one week, True relief and release,without fear and a great understanding that the power and light IS within us and not in the appearance of the outside world.

Your input will be very welcome
Wishing us all a great peaceful weekend


כולנו זונות

היי לכולם

ראשית מבקשת לברך אותנו בשבת שלום ושקט 

קבלתי פניות לכתוב את הפוסטים שלי גם בשפה העברית- ומבקשת סליחה אם תבחינו בטעויות- אעשה את המיטב שלי ...

היום אני רוצה לדבר על האמירה "כולנו זונות"- זה אכן נשמע מאד בוטה- אבל כולנו נוהגים מתוך מקום שכל פעולה שאנחנו עושים הוא מתוך "מה אני אקבל בתמורה"- 

איזה עולם יפה וזורם יהיה כשנעשה משהו רק כנתינה וטו לו-

הבעיה נמצאת מהריחוק שלנו מהמקור- קו האמצע - המקום שבו אנחנו שלמים כשאנחנו מחוברים ל"כל היש" ואנחנו לא נפרדים.

ברגע שאנחנו לא מחוברים אנחנו הופכים אחד את השני ל"מציל" שלנו- אם אני אעשה כך וכך  את/אתה תיתן לי כך וכך"

והפרדוקס הוא דווקא כשאנחנו לא חושבים על תגמול אנחנו מקבלים תגמול והרבה יותר משמעותי

הפחד ההישרדותי והתפיסה של העולם שאנו הכרנו עד היום היא "השפה הישנה" שגורמת לנו לחיות בתוך הכאוס-

בכדי לצאת מהכאוס כל מה שנשאר לנו לעשות זה לקבל את "השפה החדשה" שאומרת שאני בורא את חיי בשיתוף עם האנרגיה ואינטליגנציה של שנמצא מאחורי האשליה של החומר..ולא לפחד לחיות בה

היום המדע כבר הבחין שצריך לגבות את הרוח- והוכח בהרבה ניסיונות שהחומר הוא בעצם "אנרגיה דחוסה"
הם מוכיחים שאחרי שבודקים מולקולה לעומקו מגיעים לכלום-שאומר שמולקולה נוצרה מ"אין"

כל תא חי עשוי מ"גרעין" -nucleus ,ונוקליאן-proton
מסתבר שיש אנרגיה שלא נראה לעין שקוראים לו quark- שמניע את הנוקליאן סביב עצמו וסביב הגרעין- בדיוק כמו שכדור הארץ מסתובב סביב עצמו וסביב השמש-ובכך אנחנו רואים שיש תבנית שחוזרת על עצמה ומה שמוביל את החומר הוא אנרגיה בילתי נראת לעין

זה אומר שהעולם שאנו חווים נברא מה"אין" ומכאן המוסג "יש מאין"

אז איך עושים את זה?

מניחים למחשבות ולציפיות במיוחד- משחררים את כולם מהבטחות שלהם כלפינו, ומיד מרגישים שחרור שבאופן אוטומטי גם הסביבה משחררת  וזה מיד מחבר אותנו לאנרגיה האמתית שנמצאת בכל אחד מאיתנו

כולנו חווינו אנרגיות בצורה כזאת או אחרת- כמה פעמים חוויתם משהו מסתכל עליך מאחור והסתובבתם כי חשתם?
או חשבתם על משהו ופתאום זה הופיע- מה קדם למה? לכן נוכל להבין את ההסבר הבא

השחרור מהציפיות של האחר מאפשר לנו לחיות מתוך אהבה - זרימה "כאן ועכשיו" בתוך העולם החדש שאנו חפצים בה ובכך ליצור עולם מתוכינו-    BE AND IT WILL BE 

יהיו כאלה שיגידו שהשפה החדשה קשה להם ונשמעת נאיבית ו"קיטשית"- ואני מזמינה אותנו  לחוות שבוע אחד של חופש ושחרור- בלי פחד והרבה הבנה שהכח והאור נמצא בתוכינו ולא באשליה של עולם מחוץ אלינו

אשמח לתגובות והארות נוספות

ברכת שבת שלום


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Money as channled by Ronny from SOL64

SOL64: WELCOME all who wish to understand the issue of money on your plane…The use of money began as an exchange, an exchange of energy really…If someone had live stock and another needed to have it too, but had nothing to exchange for it then money was the exchange for that particular transaction.

Money never intended to be the focus or become a property in itself ONLY a means to an end and only so that the person who cannot give anything else in return will not feel that he is bestowed to the other. The words in Hebrew ”Asir Toda” describe exactly the place that someone feels when he owes another and is literally a prisoner in the “toda” which means "thanks" in Hebrew (the language of the Bible). Money AS A MEANS OF TRADE WAS SUPPOSED to accommodate exactly this issue…

Money is very simply a means to an end. It is a spiritual exchange for some thing that you need. Money in itself alone has no value until it has value put upon it. It is like air it circulates and goes back and forth with the required need.

You humans have become totally reliant on this mere manufactured object and many of you have turned it into another GOD allowing it to control you rather than allow it to simple be. You perceive yourself and your value through this media.

It magnifies who you are.

Notice how you can tell whether someone is generous or miserly by the way he conducts his money.

Money does not make you generous or miserly it only magnifies whoYOU are!

We realize that your immediate question would be so how do we treat money?

We say first realize what your relationship is with money just as you have a relationship with anything else.

You define yourselves through relationships or you will not know who you are in the role that you are playing at this moment in time.

Do you respect money? Do you abuse money? How do you behave with money ?

WE ASSURE you that the way you relate to money is the same way you relate to
self and others. There are many emotions that you attach to money – Guilt, fear of having too much or too little, fear of abandonment, fear and shame that you attach to ‘how people may perceive you’ if you don’t have any or have too much what ever the circumstance.

The wake up call that the world is witnessing with relation to money is just that…White collar employees have been made redundant and are going through the emotions of Fear, Guilt, shame fear of loss and mostly their world have collapsed because their whole world is and was defined by money.
But you see this thing that has happened is a good thing – it gives you all the opportunity to reach inside yourself and find out who you really are and who you really want to be, and not remain the robots that you were.

You are each special in your creation there is no one else like you and wherever you look you will not find another like you… Yet you are also all ONE in the sense that you would have no knowledge of self without the people around you so that you can SEE yourself…

On the one hand you were not meant to be led as a herd and on the other you are meant to relate to one another rat
her than re-act.

WELL this period in time is a great learning lesson of how to BE your best by first relating to YOU as YOUR best friend and then unto others. 

You see there really is nothing outside your self – the way you relate to others, money, things, and places is the exact way you treat your self. Take a look inside and see for your self.

So with
this concept you can then realize that if you improve the way you treat yourself you can certainly attract the same from the world around you since the universe is a mere mirror of YOU at this moment.
You are probably asking us to confine our answer to the money issue and advise you how to go about handling your money. Well… we say that money is NOT a separate issue but does enhance who you are, as it acts as a magnifying glass.
YOUR RELATIONSHIP with yourself and others is the same relationship YOU have with money and that is a fact…     So the question is NOT how you should handle money but how you should BE with yourself.
BE GENEROUS, BE TRUSTING, BE FLOWING, BE KIND, BE LOVING, BE CREATIVE, BE SUPPORTIVE, BE ALL THE GOOD THAT YOU CAN and the money will be all those things for you and PURE Energy- and the added value will be that the same will be received by the rest of the world around you- Because IT IS.
When you are occupied in the BEING and the DOING of what you wish to become, the money will circulate more freely and reach you ten fold- but when you concentrate on the money and not the BEING and DOING then the money cannot flow as it is BEING controlled….

Monday, May 23, 2011

Psychiatric drugs and our children?

Psychiatric drugs and our children

Here is a note I wrote to a kindergarden teacher who has together with an "officer from the education authorities" recommended to place a child in his care, on Retalin- I feel very strongly about this and do not appologize for being blunt!! I have used different names as to protect the identity of the child...

Dear Natan,
Please see these 3 clips:

please google Professor Brian Weiss

Thank you for allowing me to send you these clips, and may I say that there many more on the web if you care to google the subject.....

Kids are kids as people are people and as we are each very special and there are no copies of any of us, we therefore can not be placed in boxes with regards to our behavior.

We each come here harboring former life time experiences and chose our support system in our new life to enhance that which we need to learn about ourselves.

In my opinion to place a child like Tomer on a chemical substance such as Retalin is a violation of his very being and is only a sedative to make sure that he does not distrub his surroundings. Tomer is what we call an indigo child which may be a term that you have come across but because you and I have not conversed much, I do not presume to know what your views are on the subject....I do feel very strongly that a child like Tomer who is quite advanced needs to be in an environment that allows him to simply BE and to work with him so that he feels respected....

I have never before interffered as I am doing now, but somehow Tomer has entered my heart and if there is a way to save him from those chemicals and find another way to accomodate him then I'm sure that everyone concerned would be pleased.

Did you know that hardly any diagnosed Psychiatric dis- eases have actually chemically been tested. You see Psychiatry developed as a sleeve of phsycology because no one really knew what to do with any one who was little "out of the ordinary".

We are NOW in an age where spiritualsim is not a dirty word and many answers about these cases are delivered by spiritual teachers. 

Professor Brian Weiss who for years was an estabished Psychiatrist has for many years now treated his patients by "Regression of the soul" as he discovered that diagnosed dis-eases such as "multiple personality syndrome" or "Schitzophrenia" are actually visitations of past lives that got intertwined...

I Welcome any comments from my facebook friends...

with love


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Forgiveness in the fastest way to move forward

Hi, today I would like to talk about Forgiveness and how it, can clear the way to a richer, fuller and wonderful life....

We all come into this world with an agenda, lessons which we need to learn that have their base in past lives. We chose the support system which will allow us to see ourselves clearly through these poeple around us who we have chosen to accompany us through this Life's journey.

We are the result of generations of habits and belief systems and the mistake we make is to always think that we can change by doing or saying the opposite of what our elders said or did, but the end result is the same as it never comes from a clean place and we end up stuck in our ways.....

I shall give the following example...

When my mother was a little girl and the only child of older parents, her father (my grandfather) gave her money to go an have a haircut, she rebelled and instead spent the money on icecream, only to find herself grounded for a week and given a speach which would laiden her with guilt.....

A generation later My mother is a parent to me, a little girl of ten when she comes home one day after having bought me a dress that I truly wanted and saying to me that she would never do what her parents did to her and that she in fact saved off herself to buy me the dress- Notice the 'guilt' pattern...

A generation later I am a mother to two small children and with my first big pay check decide to go on a spree to buy myself a dress, thinking it would be nice to get something for the kids too. Coming into the house with the packages I state confidenly that I would never do what my mother did and lay any guilt on my children, when my duaghter blurts out "mummy you just did the same thing'....

Three generation of trying to do different and arriving at the same result... so what is the solution you may ask....the answer is FORGIVENESS!!

Once we forgive our elders for not being the people we wanted or expected them to be, Once we acknowledge that they were only doing their best and were human as we are with all our faults, only then can WE make the true changes we really want to, only then can WE make choices and decisions that are NOT based on anything of our past but from a true clean space.....

FORGIVENESS allows us to move on to be OUR TRUE SELVES.
FORGIVENESS frees in us of a great deal of energy to pursue who WE really are
FORGIVENESS heals us emotionally, mentally and thus physically, YES friends there is no stronger remedy for physical health than FORGIVENESS....

Can you imagine what a world we could live in if each and everyone of us graciously forgave.....Even the murderer, or thief and their victims have forgiveness in them so they may free themselves to be  better freerer human beings.....

What a relief!!!!!

Have a great forgiving freeing week....


Thursday, May 19, 2011

We do not live in reality we live in our beliefs

Hi again,

What does this statement conjure up for you?

For me it immediately throws me into what I'm thinking right now and how my world seems to me as a result. Understanding but most of all ACCEPTING this statement to be true, gives each and everyone of us in this Universe, power to actually create the life we each want for ourselves and for our surroundings..

Does it help anyone around us when we are miserable? Can we help anyone who's in trouble when we are unhappy and in a state of decline? Surely not... we just add ourselves to all the other sufferers.
I believe that my biggest most valuable asset is my choice as to what to BE at any given moment.

All traits are within me.. there is nothing outside of me.

I can in fact feel anything I want to FEEL right now..why? Because I really can- All feeling are within me and they are what I radiate into the world and so the world responds to me..

Isn't that just pure magic?

Lets repeat that..All feeling are within me and they are what I radiate into the world and so the world responds to me..

We've all heard about THE LAW OF ATTRACTION by now.. but we need to know that this law has been around since the beginning of TIME- It's just that not all of us were conscious or awake to it. Just as we take GRAVITY for granted...Imagine life on earth without GRAVITY - there would be total chaos
Most of the Chaos our world is experiencing at this moment in time is simple because most of the earths population is NOT applying THE LAW OF ATTRACTION in their lives..Think about it - if we each were to apply this law into our lives we would all be living in peace, serenity and creativity, totally enjoying our lives as we were meant to be...

The good news is that this process can begin NOW with only one person who will then inspire the other and so on and so forth...

So how does this work...
First identify how you are reacting to a situation.. if there is negativity of any sort such as lack, immediately become conscious to what is precious in your life..whether it's is family.. running water..the food on your table.. your car... or very basically YOUR health...Once you are FEELING grateful for what ever it is, this will be the FEELING that you radiate into the world and the world will respond in kind...

I would like to invite us to do this for one week and and receive responses and see how we can each affect each other by sharing our experiences....
I wish us all a great,serene and grateful weekend resulting in surprises that the Universe has in store for us...

Bon Voyage


Saturday, April 23, 2011

When you think something is wrong it's because your thinking is wrong

Hi again,

I have come across many people during the festivities that have told me that instead of feeling good during the holidays they find that they are in constant conflict with their surroundings. Some even dread the holidays and wish that they did not have to attend the Seder and the family get together...

"When you think something is wrong, it's because YOUR thinking is wrong" me this sentence says it all..People will be who they are whether I like it or not...

I will not be the one to change someone into being or doing who I wish him to be or do. 
This would be totally arrogant if I thought that I had the right to make someone the way I want him to be.

With this in mind there is really only ONE option left for me so that I can live in this world and enjoy it at the same time and that option in ONE word is ACCEPTANCE...Once I am able to accept what is, that will be the moment I will be able to chose how to go about MY business and not have to worry about wanting to control another. 

The only place I suffer is when I argue with what is... When I STOP arguing with the reality what ever it is, that is when I meet the Peace inside of me....

When we are brave enough to meet with our OWN inner truth and live it without fear, that will be the moment where everything else will fall into place. And, sometimes just BEING ME at my very honest humble place, will bring out an undesired re-action from another, and that will be fine because everyone has the right to chose from my Truth and not from my lie...

So it comes to show that there can not be anything really wrong except when I THINK that what is, is wrong. Once I have accepted what is, and feel at peace, I am then free to chose how deal with the situation through my truth.

With Love


Thursday, April 7, 2011

How can I know what I truly want???

Hi Again... I have received requests to further elaborate on the last post "when the internal argument stops, life begins..."

If you agree that you are the one manifesting your world then you are really a step forward to being the very thing you wish for yourself- People get confused as they say I really want to experience a  fulfilled life etc... why am I not manifesting the life I want?... The answer is very simple..

The vibrational wavelength has everything to do with what you are FEELING and NOT what you are THINKING or wanting...

The language of the Universal wavelength is that of FEELINGS.

If you are FEELING happy then you will vibrate on that level. If you are FEELING sad then you will vibrate on that level.

SO the question is NOT what you want for yourself on a mundane level but WHAT DO YOU WANT TO FEEL?

FEELINGS are a choice and are not on condition.. 

If you wait to have a new car in order to FEEL happy then it won't happen and you will always wait for something outside of YOU to make YOU happy. 

If you chose to BE HAPPY NOW the chances are that your "wanting" will not be of importance and you might even manifest the life you have always wanted...

Once you realize that FEELINGS are not facts and are a choice as you are the only one's governing that field, then you will be able to master your own world. 

Everything begins with a thought, but thoughts do not vibrate until we believe them and we tell ourselves a story that results in a is THAT FEELING that will vibrate and manifest my world being the prism through which I see my experience.

So this is how it's done- when you become conscious of a feeling that pulls you down,

first breathe..

Secondly, allow yourself to FEEL that particular FEELING and give it its space and see how it dissipates.

Everything in the physical dimension needs to be noticed so that it does not threaten us.

Third-  Notice where you are right at this minute...and make a conscious decision to do something that will make you FEEL better, listen to music, watch a film go for a walk- what ever it takes for you BE in control and own YOUR FEELINGS....

You are the only one  living in your mind and the only one who can decide what thoughts and FEELINGS to give power to....NOW let's create a great Shabat..

Shabat Shalom

with love


Sunday, April 3, 2011

When the internal l argument stops, life begins

Dear Friends,

All the chaos that we are witnessing is a direct mirror to our internal chaos...

The above statement applies to anything your are manifesting in your life..

But today I would like to take special time to discuss the ailments of the body and how our internal conversation affects our precious bodies, the very vessel that carries us wherever we go...Our body is our sanctuary and we are quick to abuse it and then complain that it fails us- but does it fail us? Maybe our bodies are doing exactly what we are telling them to do...

In my line of work I encounter many women between the ages of 30-45 with problems in their reporductive organs.

I found that they hold daily internal conversations around the subject of relationships and pregnancies..."Should I have a baby?" Should I wait for the right man?" Should I freeze my eggs"- non- stop chitter chatter that the body can only but internalize- and what do you think it does with the information?? Yes it goes wild with confusion, and thus cysts appear and general dis-ease which is another word for the body's dis-harmony...

The body does not care. It is totally innocent and only takes orders from the mind...But having said that... this is also very good news for us because by the same token we can decide to heal ourselves with choosing a better state of being...A state of being does not even require a converstation- it is total attunement to HERE AND NOW with total acceptance of what is right NOW...

The same power that created the dis-ease is the same power that can create "at-ease" - a perfectly healthy body...

Everything leads back to HERE AND NOW- when ever you recognize a conversation that has nothing to do with HERE AND NOW - STOP!!! Breathe and accept the situation at hand, then be very clear with yourself as to what you really truly want for it the baby you want, and everything else is just a means to get the baby? Then go and get yourself a baby? And then be sure to ask yourself- Do you want to be a mother because that's a whole new ball game..

The first question I ask Artists, singers,and song writers is "do you want to release a CD or BE the Artist...When you are clear with yourself , you will then be clear with the Universe and the Universe will answer in kind...

I believe that a big part of the medical profession (and I'm sure that I will receive ricochets for this) are in fact servants of the Pharmaceutical companies, and the very drugs that are being prescribed are also causing other dis-eases..

If the medical profession were to allow themselves to open up and interact with Holistic and Spiritual healing we would all be better off.. but this is another post which I promise to address ata nother time..

It only takes us to be brave enough to take responsibility for our own lives.. this is where healing begins...

So I invite us all to make a serious decision to live our lives through clarity first with self and then with our surroundings. I invite us to stop the internal dialogue and allow for Life to lead the way....

Lots  of love


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Peace is in us – we do not have to look for it

Dear Friends,

Today I'd like to write to you about Peace-Internal peace, global peace- in short - PEACE...

PEACE is a feeling and feelings exist within us...they are always there and it's always a trigger that makes them surface. A trigger could be a thought or another person saying something to us that we will re-act to..

In this dimension where we live and this era in particular we are the only one's responsible for the world we are experiencing...

All wars come about because people are looking for peace... yes that may sound paradoxical but ask yourself why would you fight if you didn't think that getting rid of the enemy would give you peace....

We fear that if someone threatens us we will never experience peace and happiness- 

The opposite is the truth!

No-one can give me something which I already have...

Peace is within me and the only way I will have peace is if I allow myself to feel it...Then surprisingly that is exactly what I will radiate to my surroundings and so create it in my vicinity...

We cannot search for anything outside of us or we will forever BE searching..

So for today, let's practice breathing, being here and now, appreciating all that we have and most of all give ourselves permission to do so...

With Love


Thursday, March 31, 2011

You are each on a journey of discovery

You are each on a journey of discovery-there is nothing else – enjoy the ride

Just as the tree is inside it's seed and simply has to grow to become what it already is, so is our life.

All information to the qualities we own are already embedded in our DNA...We are only left to discover who we already are..In fact we are going back to the future....Once we accept this we can decide to live our lives by simply enjoying the ride and discovering our lives rather than deciding it...

Remember the old video cassettes - well the whole film already existed in the cassette- the beginning, middle and end -we were left to go though the movie in order to discover the story.
The same happens with our lives - there are many stories already written for each of our lives all we need to do is uncover what is written by BEING AND DOING...

So you might say -what about free choice? And I will explain - we do have free choice and that is to chose whether we live HERE AND NOW connected to ALL THAT IS or live in our minds. 

Only Experience becomes knowledge, everything else is information.

And then you may ask "are we then not responsible for anything that happens in our lives?" and I will say we have the "ability to respond" in any given situation as long as we are HERE AND NOW.

Imagine a room which we will name THE UNIVERSE ROOM, where anything and everything is possible- there are no laws or bylaws. Everything exists in this room...The key to enter this room will work only when I am willing to relinquish everything I think I know...for the second I think I know, I have set up a belief that will stop me from discovering what is in that room....
Even when I stand in front of that room and say that I believe in GOD, that belief is of the mind..In order to enter the room I must simply align myself HERE AND NOW and so enter by BEING with GOD/UNIVERSE/ALL THAT IS...

If I want to switch on the light it is I that needs to fit in the plug and the same goes for the Universal Energy. It is our source of energy which when I attune into it HERE AND NOW that is when I can create on the highest level possible.


with love


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here and Now: You can't fool the Universe

Here and Now: You can't fool the Universe: "@font-face { font-family: 'Arial'; }@font-face { font-family: 'Calibri'; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin:..."

You can't fool the Universe

You can’t fool the Universe, it knows what you want, Your job is to move towards that "want" by being and doing

Hi again,

Today I would like to talk about the reality of our existence and how we can create our lives through making the right choices for ourselves.
Imagine that above you there is an extended mirror, and that everywhere you go, you are being reflected by that mirror...we all know what it's like to look into the mirror- when we smile the mirror smiles back at us and when we cry it does the same - always faithful to what and who we are in the moment..

With this in mind we can now grasp that whatever we do is in fact reflected back to us by the Universe. 

We each have our own personal mirror and my mirror is not concerned with anyone else except with me. So that every time we are on a negative wavelength...guess what- yes, our negativity is reflected back to us. We are the broadcasters and the receivers of the wavelength that we are on. 
So when ever we are angry at someone or want some revenge or pity or identification guess what...our own faithful mirror will answer us in kind- it will not care about the other person we are angry with as that person will have his/her own mirror, but it will reflect back to us...
We can therefore understand that we are the only one's responsible for whatever we feel or do , which gives us tremendous power to decide how we chose to conduct our lives and so make the right choices...

With this knowledge we can know for certain that when we take care of ourselves in a loving way, our personal mirror will be sure to reflect back to us and the added value will be that we will so affect those around us....

Easy, simple, this is the key to living a great life which includes ALL THAT IS
Sweet dreams


Monday, March 28, 2011


Good morning Mr.Mark Zuckerberg, I commend you for facebook and the platform it has given us in this day and age to bring the human race close to each other or at least I would like to think that that was one of the reasons that got you excited at the time... I therefore can not fathom how you would allow for Facebook to act as a platform for the annihation of Israel or any other country.. The above page calls for an intifada whose main goal is to provoke killings of Jews....

What are YOU Mr. Zuckerberg, waiting for????

I use facebook to inspire and bring people together including my Arab friends. I see no distinction between anyone as we all share the same Universal essence...This must be the ONLY reason to use Facebook- a coming together,mutual respect and love for each other in the knowledge that we are NOT seperate!!!!

I emplore YOU as CEO of this wonderful Net fusion that you put your foot down and show us YOUR true colours...

We rationalize and say - if he's wearing a uniform then its ok..if he's wearing a Kafia it's ok ,if it's a car accident then it's ok...if it's a persoanl betrayal then it's ok...

Well it's NOT ok!!!

There is NO right reason to kill and take someone's life because of our own fears...

Sorry about the terrade but I feel that something has to move!! I hope that somehow this mail meets you and that you respond in kind by STOPPING THE HATE AND PROPOGANDA THAT IS EXPRESSED ON FACEBOOK - YOU'RE BABY !!!

- with Love Ronny