Saturday, April 23, 2011

When you think something is wrong it's because your thinking is wrong

Hi again,

I have come across many people during the festivities that have told me that instead of feeling good during the holidays they find that they are in constant conflict with their surroundings. Some even dread the holidays and wish that they did not have to attend the Seder and the family get together...

"When you think something is wrong, it's because YOUR thinking is wrong" me this sentence says it all..People will be who they are whether I like it or not...

I will not be the one to change someone into being or doing who I wish him to be or do. 
This would be totally arrogant if I thought that I had the right to make someone the way I want him to be.

With this in mind there is really only ONE option left for me so that I can live in this world and enjoy it at the same time and that option in ONE word is ACCEPTANCE...Once I am able to accept what is, that will be the moment I will be able to chose how to go about MY business and not have to worry about wanting to control another. 

The only place I suffer is when I argue with what is... When I STOP arguing with the reality what ever it is, that is when I meet the Peace inside of me....

When we are brave enough to meet with our OWN inner truth and live it without fear, that will be the moment where everything else will fall into place. And, sometimes just BEING ME at my very honest humble place, will bring out an undesired re-action from another, and that will be fine because everyone has the right to chose from my Truth and not from my lie...

So it comes to show that there can not be anything really wrong except when I THINK that what is, is wrong. Once I have accepted what is, and feel at peace, I am then free to chose how deal with the situation through my truth.

With Love


Thursday, April 7, 2011

How can I know what I truly want???

Hi Again... I have received requests to further elaborate on the last post "when the internal argument stops, life begins..."

If you agree that you are the one manifesting your world then you are really a step forward to being the very thing you wish for yourself- People get confused as they say I really want to experience a  fulfilled life etc... why am I not manifesting the life I want?... The answer is very simple..

The vibrational wavelength has everything to do with what you are FEELING and NOT what you are THINKING or wanting...

The language of the Universal wavelength is that of FEELINGS.

If you are FEELING happy then you will vibrate on that level. If you are FEELING sad then you will vibrate on that level.

SO the question is NOT what you want for yourself on a mundane level but WHAT DO YOU WANT TO FEEL?

FEELINGS are a choice and are not on condition.. 

If you wait to have a new car in order to FEEL happy then it won't happen and you will always wait for something outside of YOU to make YOU happy. 

If you chose to BE HAPPY NOW the chances are that your "wanting" will not be of importance and you might even manifest the life you have always wanted...

Once you realize that FEELINGS are not facts and are a choice as you are the only one's governing that field, then you will be able to master your own world. 

Everything begins with a thought, but thoughts do not vibrate until we believe them and we tell ourselves a story that results in a is THAT FEELING that will vibrate and manifest my world being the prism through which I see my experience.

So this is how it's done- when you become conscious of a feeling that pulls you down,

first breathe..

Secondly, allow yourself to FEEL that particular FEELING and give it its space and see how it dissipates.

Everything in the physical dimension needs to be noticed so that it does not threaten us.

Third-  Notice where you are right at this minute...and make a conscious decision to do something that will make you FEEL better, listen to music, watch a film go for a walk- what ever it takes for you BE in control and own YOUR FEELINGS....

You are the only one  living in your mind and the only one who can decide what thoughts and FEELINGS to give power to....NOW let's create a great Shabat..

Shabat Shalom

with love


Sunday, April 3, 2011

When the internal l argument stops, life begins

Dear Friends,

All the chaos that we are witnessing is a direct mirror to our internal chaos...

The above statement applies to anything your are manifesting in your life..

But today I would like to take special time to discuss the ailments of the body and how our internal conversation affects our precious bodies, the very vessel that carries us wherever we go...Our body is our sanctuary and we are quick to abuse it and then complain that it fails us- but does it fail us? Maybe our bodies are doing exactly what we are telling them to do...

In my line of work I encounter many women between the ages of 30-45 with problems in their reporductive organs.

I found that they hold daily internal conversations around the subject of relationships and pregnancies..."Should I have a baby?" Should I wait for the right man?" Should I freeze my eggs"- non- stop chitter chatter that the body can only but internalize- and what do you think it does with the information?? Yes it goes wild with confusion, and thus cysts appear and general dis-ease which is another word for the body's dis-harmony...

The body does not care. It is totally innocent and only takes orders from the mind...But having said that... this is also very good news for us because by the same token we can decide to heal ourselves with choosing a better state of being...A state of being does not even require a converstation- it is total attunement to HERE AND NOW with total acceptance of what is right NOW...

The same power that created the dis-ease is the same power that can create "at-ease" - a perfectly healthy body...

Everything leads back to HERE AND NOW- when ever you recognize a conversation that has nothing to do with HERE AND NOW - STOP!!! Breathe and accept the situation at hand, then be very clear with yourself as to what you really truly want for it the baby you want, and everything else is just a means to get the baby? Then go and get yourself a baby? And then be sure to ask yourself- Do you want to be a mother because that's a whole new ball game..

The first question I ask Artists, singers,and song writers is "do you want to release a CD or BE the Artist...When you are clear with yourself , you will then be clear with the Universe and the Universe will answer in kind...

I believe that a big part of the medical profession (and I'm sure that I will receive ricochets for this) are in fact servants of the Pharmaceutical companies, and the very drugs that are being prescribed are also causing other dis-eases..

If the medical profession were to allow themselves to open up and interact with Holistic and Spiritual healing we would all be better off.. but this is another post which I promise to address ata nother time..

It only takes us to be brave enough to take responsibility for our own lives.. this is where healing begins...

So I invite us all to make a serious decision to live our lives through clarity first with self and then with our surroundings. I invite us to stop the internal dialogue and allow for Life to lead the way....

Lots  of love


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Peace is in us – we do not have to look for it

Dear Friends,

Today I'd like to write to you about Peace-Internal peace, global peace- in short - PEACE...

PEACE is a feeling and feelings exist within us...they are always there and it's always a trigger that makes them surface. A trigger could be a thought or another person saying something to us that we will re-act to..

In this dimension where we live and this era in particular we are the only one's responsible for the world we are experiencing...

All wars come about because people are looking for peace... yes that may sound paradoxical but ask yourself why would you fight if you didn't think that getting rid of the enemy would give you peace....

We fear that if someone threatens us we will never experience peace and happiness- 

The opposite is the truth!

No-one can give me something which I already have...

Peace is within me and the only way I will have peace is if I allow myself to feel it...Then surprisingly that is exactly what I will radiate to my surroundings and so create it in my vicinity...

We cannot search for anything outside of us or we will forever BE searching..

So for today, let's practice breathing, being here and now, appreciating all that we have and most of all give ourselves permission to do so...

With Love
