Monday, February 17, 2014

DNA in the Spiritual Realm

Hi friends,

We have important news about the DNA - Yes there is still a great deal that is unknown to you that still needs discovery .. and yes you are on your way ..

But here we actually would like to inform you about the important relationship that you have with YOUR selves that is a direct influence on what science has termed the DNA - That code which  is the core of YOUR BEING as it were…

As you already know you consist of MIND BODY AND SOUL- These three states are all intertwined while you live in the Earthly dimension, and must be taken as whole when discussing the DNA and the way you wish to experience your LIFE..

One of the mistakes that you make is to separate these three states - you treat the body separately from the rest of the states. In this article we are going to pay great attention to YOUR state of BEING and this includes all three states…

When there is synchronicity between the three which we will call 3SOB (THREE STATES OF BEING) you will BE directly in synch with the The Universe.

What does this mean ? How did the Universe enter the discussion?

Well this is exactly what is missing- You are part and parcel of the Universe just as everything else and there is a natural process to the Universe which includes everything in it in the first place.

What came first? Well the whole came together and You are part of the whole - There really is no beginning or end - ALL IS HERE AT ALL TIMES - say that again… ‘ALL IS HERE AT ALL TIMES’

If You are able to get this concept it will be easier to understand that You are able to tune into what IS at all times, You will be able to heal Yourselves… You will be able to magically invite the world You wish to EXPERIENCE!!!!

Yes and this is the Key word- EXPERIENCE- what does that mean? Well what do You EXPERIENCE in Your lives?

YES!! That is all You want … to EXPERIENCE A FEELING….

So if everything already IS, then it goes to say that ALL You want to FEEL already exists within You … RIGHT?

So here it is the Paradox of it all… All that is left is to FEEL in the 3SOB what You want to FEEL right now and the universe will meet Your vibration which is the FEELINGAND SO IT WILL BE.

And you may now say … easier said than done- what happens if there already is a feeling that we are feeling now and it's not pleasant…

good question: Well first check what is it that You are experiencing Then FEEL IT(BODY)- give it your Presence (SOUL) until it dissolves and then CHOSE (MIND)what to FEEL AND BE synchronized in the three states (3SOB) at the same time HERE AND NOW


Is a process of internal cleansing that promised you Serenity and consciousness in your world...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Why do we suffer?

Hi friends ,

Why do we suffer? This is a question that we ask ourselves almost every day of our lives...

There actually is a very simple answer.. I will give it to you now and we may be done with this blog...

And here it is....


Simple right? Now your mind will ask the next question....

Ok but How can we stop the argument?

And here is another simple answer...


Not done yet? The mind will now ask ....

Ok but how can I accept everything? Sometime Life can be really tough...

SO here is the long answer..

LIFE is our experience of IT- NOTHING ELSE!!

LIFE IS LIFE- how you chose to go through it is up to how you wish to FEEL. Yes , YOU can chose how to FEEL.. I don't know about you - but I want SERENITY at all times, whatever Life presents me ... and this means that in order to achieve SERENITY I must accept what IS... HERE in the acceptance of  NOW I will awake to consciousness and all answers will appear. HERE in the place of NOW I will BE in total presence.. and in total PRESENCE the experience of LIFE is kind.....

Your mind may now wish to continue asking more questions,  please feel free to do so and I  will continue to  show you the next step to .. SERENITY....