Monday, June 6, 2011

Here and Now: כן לרתום את הכרכרה לפני הסוס

Here and Now: כן לרתום את הכרכרה לפני הסוס: " חברים יקרים היום אני רוצה לספר לכם למה כן לרתום את הכרכרה לפני הסוס עד עכשיו שמענו את המשפט הזה הפוך- אמרו לנו לא לרתום את ה..."


This has to be one of the most important channelings yet so far....

QUESTION: I need to understand the perplexity - on the one hand we are told that we are in fact puppets and that it is God/Universe/All that is who is creating through us and that "free choice' is only an illusion. 

If this is true then how can I heal myself 
(in the new testament  Jesus  says "heal thy self"- and in the old testament - God says to Moses  "אתה תהיה לו לאלוהים"You will be His God referring to Aaron)
and so how can I create abundance, health and money in my life?

ANSWER from SOL64: This is in fact 3 fold:

1) You are here to repair the damage of all re-incarnations- this is the result of separatism. The need to repair derives from the longing to re-attach to the GOD energy. This GOD ENERGY IS TOTAL AND AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. You are here to become GOD him/herself. So Adam, the word coming from the Hebrew word לדמות which included all the souls was just like GOD.WHEN IT WAS DECIDED AS IT WERE to split up, this Is because there was no other way to understand creation if there is no experience.
This is a system, why? Because!!It just is!! NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE work together in order to create an experience which brings forth with it knowledge. God developed or rather created this system since nothing else worked or gave him/her the knowledge he/she required. So having said that we say accept the system and be done with it  so that you can be occupied with the learning.

The system works like this: You have in you the negative traits which blanket the positive ones. When you depart or remove - we prefer the word "relinquish" these negatives - you step into the positive ones that are there all the the time.

It is in the positive that you can create all good which leads us into the second fold:
Being in positive you tap into what we call the human DNA  on the energy level- There are in fact 64 strands.

The human race will soon discover 24 then 48 and will finalise with 64.

These strands are the creative force that create body cells, moves hem around, re-shuffles them, in fact transforms energy In to matter.
Through this system you can heal yourself by simply attuning into that space.
But you must BE in positive otherwise it can go wrong. We say do not tamper  with this until you fully feel hat you are in total POSITIVE.

This leads us to the the 3rd fold which is the outside illusional circumstances.

It is is that POSITIVE STATE OF BEING where there is LOVE HAPPINESS and includes THE BETTER GOOD OF ALL. In this place you are able to call on the DNA ZONE  in the 64 realm (that is US) AND CREATE ABUNDANCE, IN FACT ANYTHING YOU WANT PROVIDED you include the above mentioned wavelengths; love happiness FOR THE BETTER GOOD OF ALL

Here you become VESSELS of GOD/Universe/All that is, who creates through YOU while YOU manifest HIM/HER

This is a 2 way partnership and can not work any other way. So going back  to "free choice" when you are In positive, in GOD/ALL THAT IS/ENERGY/UNIVERSE/CREATIVE POWER this in fact becomes GOD'S CHOICE an your "free choice" is only relevant when deciding to move from NEGATIVE to POSITIVE

All our love
