Sunday, April 3, 2011

When the internal l argument stops, life begins

Dear Friends,

All the chaos that we are witnessing is a direct mirror to our internal chaos...

The above statement applies to anything your are manifesting in your life..

But today I would like to take special time to discuss the ailments of the body and how our internal conversation affects our precious bodies, the very vessel that carries us wherever we go...Our body is our sanctuary and we are quick to abuse it and then complain that it fails us- but does it fail us? Maybe our bodies are doing exactly what we are telling them to do...

In my line of work I encounter many women between the ages of 30-45 with problems in their reporductive organs.

I found that they hold daily internal conversations around the subject of relationships and pregnancies..."Should I have a baby?" Should I wait for the right man?" Should I freeze my eggs"- non- stop chitter chatter that the body can only but internalize- and what do you think it does with the information?? Yes it goes wild with confusion, and thus cysts appear and general dis-ease which is another word for the body's dis-harmony...

The body does not care. It is totally innocent and only takes orders from the mind...But having said that... this is also very good news for us because by the same token we can decide to heal ourselves with choosing a better state of being...A state of being does not even require a converstation- it is total attunement to HERE AND NOW with total acceptance of what is right NOW...

The same power that created the dis-ease is the same power that can create "at-ease" - a perfectly healthy body...

Everything leads back to HERE AND NOW- when ever you recognize a conversation that has nothing to do with HERE AND NOW - STOP!!! Breathe and accept the situation at hand, then be very clear with yourself as to what you really truly want for it the baby you want, and everything else is just a means to get the baby? Then go and get yourself a baby? And then be sure to ask yourself- Do you want to be a mother because that's a whole new ball game..

The first question I ask Artists, singers,and song writers is "do you want to release a CD or BE the Artist...When you are clear with yourself , you will then be clear with the Universe and the Universe will answer in kind...

I believe that a big part of the medical profession (and I'm sure that I will receive ricochets for this) are in fact servants of the Pharmaceutical companies, and the very drugs that are being prescribed are also causing other dis-eases..

If the medical profession were to allow themselves to open up and interact with Holistic and Spiritual healing we would all be better off.. but this is another post which I promise to address ata nother time..

It only takes us to be brave enough to take responsibility for our own lives.. this is where healing begins...

So I invite us all to make a serious decision to live our lives through clarity first with self and then with our surroundings. I invite us to stop the internal dialogue and allow for Life to lead the way....

Lots  of love


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