Saturday, May 21, 2011

Forgiveness in the fastest way to move forward

Hi, today I would like to talk about Forgiveness and how it, can clear the way to a richer, fuller and wonderful life....

We all come into this world with an agenda, lessons which we need to learn that have their base in past lives. We chose the support system which will allow us to see ourselves clearly through these poeple around us who we have chosen to accompany us through this Life's journey.

We are the result of generations of habits and belief systems and the mistake we make is to always think that we can change by doing or saying the opposite of what our elders said or did, but the end result is the same as it never comes from a clean place and we end up stuck in our ways.....

I shall give the following example...

When my mother was a little girl and the only child of older parents, her father (my grandfather) gave her money to go an have a haircut, she rebelled and instead spent the money on icecream, only to find herself grounded for a week and given a speach which would laiden her with guilt.....

A generation later My mother is a parent to me, a little girl of ten when she comes home one day after having bought me a dress that I truly wanted and saying to me that she would never do what her parents did to her and that she in fact saved off herself to buy me the dress- Notice the 'guilt' pattern...

A generation later I am a mother to two small children and with my first big pay check decide to go on a spree to buy myself a dress, thinking it would be nice to get something for the kids too. Coming into the house with the packages I state confidenly that I would never do what my mother did and lay any guilt on my children, when my duaghter blurts out "mummy you just did the same thing'....

Three generation of trying to do different and arriving at the same result... so what is the solution you may ask....the answer is FORGIVENESS!!

Once we forgive our elders for not being the people we wanted or expected them to be, Once we acknowledge that they were only doing their best and were human as we are with all our faults, only then can WE make the true changes we really want to, only then can WE make choices and decisions that are NOT based on anything of our past but from a true clean space.....

FORGIVENESS allows us to move on to be OUR TRUE SELVES.
FORGIVENESS frees in us of a great deal of energy to pursue who WE really are
FORGIVENESS heals us emotionally, mentally and thus physically, YES friends there is no stronger remedy for physical health than FORGIVENESS....

Can you imagine what a world we could live in if each and everyone of us graciously forgave.....Even the murderer, or thief and their victims have forgiveness in them so they may free themselves to be  better freerer human beings.....

What a relief!!!!!

Have a great forgiving freeing week....


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